- Go to Copenhagen (I've actually been intending to go for well over a year, so close, but so far)
- Get used to my German keyboard and not get the Z and Y mixed up everz time
- Throw Summer Birthday Barbecue Bonanza in our garden and make ALL THE FOOD
- Find new hobby to occupy spare time (paragliding is looking appealing)
- Summer project: sew surfboard bag for Boyfriend's birthday present (material is bought, friend with sewing machine is ready, I just need thread and a free weekend)
- Book flights for Xmas & NYE getaway
- Get blog up and running, like post, y'know, REGULARLY and not just write draft after draft that never see the light of day.
- Complete Translation Diploma
- Do more travelling around the globe
- Figure out if I/we want to stay in Hamburg and if not, where?